Sabine Pelzmann
Sculptor and Writer. Whether put in words, carved in stone or cast in bronze – Sabine Pelzmann’s works are created through the creative action of intuition, the dialogue between reflection and emotion unveiled. The subjects at the heart of her work she encounters also in her occupation in leadership and organizational development: change, motion and encounter.
Taking shape
In poetry, it is observations and sensations, the documentations of a moment that mature until they can be put on paper. In the same way, the artist understands her sculptures as the results of a creative process, in which thoughts and feelings, material and technique are equally involved: sculptures that owe their origin to elementary forces. They are bodies of stone and bronze. ‘Bronze grounds us’, the artist, descendant of a family of blacksmiths, states. She is fascinated by this material ‘because bronze figures changes if we touch them often.’
Under the influence of her teacher Christian Koller, feminine forms dominated at first. Her recent works renounce gender-specific attributions and generally suggest dynamic, movement towards each other or separation from another. Order, stasis and chaos convey momentarily frozen snapshots of the metamorphoses of the human existence.
Appropriating the world
For the artist, her sculptures are bodies that stand just like people in real life in dialogue with the world. She compares them to a physical memory in which the history of life is engraved. ‘The world is written in our bodies while we are expressing ourselves through these bodies. The appropriation of the world, the incorporation of the world and the nesting in it is something that does not merely happen to us but takes place as a process of mutual creation.’
- Born 1966 in Maria, Saal, Austria
- Living in Graz, Austria
- Student of Christian Koller, Academy of Fine Arts
- Wimbledon College of Arts, London, Sommer 2019 (The Art of Social Engagement)
- Exhibitions in Vienna, Wels, Gmunden, Bad Hall and Klagenfurt
- Publications: Short stories, poetry
- Dramaturgy training at the theatre institute of UNESCO
Artistic appreciation
Eveline Thirsfeld: Seminararbeit "Bildhermeneutik" der Werke von Sabine Pelzmann bei Frau Mag. Dr. Margit Stadlober am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 2019
Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dr. phil Margit Stadlober, Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Graz und Forschungsstelle Kunstgeschichte Steiermark, October 2018
Salzburger Nachrichten, August 2018
Mag. Dr. Brigitte Ponta Zitterer, Landesmuseum Kärnten, October 2017